
  • 地区范围的中断
  • Local outages
  • PSPS outage


地区范围的中断 are typically caused by significant weather events. 在太平洋西北部, 最常见的区域性停电事件是由秋冬季的大风和暴风雪引起的, 但其他原因可能是地震, flooding, 野火或其他自然灾害. Outages may impact several thousand to several hundred thousand customers.



区域风暴基地和我们的紧急协调中心开放以支持船员和资源协调, response strategy and internal and external communication.


Assessing damage

As soon as conditions allow and it’s safe to begin field activities, our damage assessors drive to reported outage locations across our service area to:

  • 识别潜在的安全隐患(例如.g.(电线倒下)
  • Gain visibility of the damage and assess severity
  • 向区域风暴基地报告恢复电力所需人员和设备类型的详细信息

损坏评估也是帮助我们为客户估算修复时间的关键步骤. 在区域性停电事件中,损失评估可能需要数天才能完全完成.



风暴基地和紧急协调中心使用来自损害评估人员的信息来确定所需的资源, outage restoration prioritization and other response strategies.



  • First, repair crews focus on restoring power to essential services such as hospitals, 水/废水系统, 和运输. 优先电力恢复也适用于向变电站供电的高压输电线路,这些变电站为广大地理区域内的大量客户提供电力.
  • Next, 工作人员集中精力修复被损坏的配电和服务线路,这些线路直接为家庭和企业服务.
  • 随着我们对情况的不断了解和对新出现的问题的响应,中断恢复的优先级也在不断变化.




How does PSE estimate when my power will be restored?

每个区域范围的中断事件都是独一无二的, 和估计恢复时间(ETRs)是基于以下因素制定的:预测停电地点的数量, damage severity, 资源分配, 活跃的天气和通道挑战. 当我们的现场团队获得地面可见性时,我们在中断图上添加并更新ETRs. At times, more system damage can occur due to ongoing active weather, ETRs可能需要更新. ETRs一般分为三个阶段:

  1. ETR待定(待定):在区域范围的中断事件期间, we don’t add ETRs to the outage map until damage assessment is well underway. 建立ETRs所需的时间因现场条件和事件的严重程度而异. In large outage events, it can take 24–48 hours to establish regional ETRs.
  2. Regional ETR: The date/time we expect most customers in a given region to have their power restored. Many customers will be restored sooner than the regional ETR; some customers may have their power restored after. While regional ETRs are not specific to individual outages, they are general timeframes for restoration that help our customers plan. 我们努力在大规模停电事件的前24-48小时内共享区域ETRs.
  3. Outage-specific ETR当我们有足够的现场能见度和指定的工作人员来恢复您的电力时,将建立由我们现场人员提供的特定于停电的ETRs. 有时,根据维修期间收集的其他信息更新特定于中断的ETRs.

We understand ETR information is important so our customers can plan. Please know we work to provide the most accurate information as quickly as possible, and we thank you for your patience as we move through the process.

Local outages

局部中断是指在区域范围的风暴或紧急事件之外发生的日常中断. They may be the result of a tree coming into contact with a power line, 电气设备故障, 或者一辆车撞上电线杆.

Initial ETR set

Initial ETR set

在客户报告中断后, PSE’s System Operations team provides an initial estimated time of restoration (ETR), 对电力恢复时间的估计, 基于历史停机数据.



In many locations across PSE’s service area, power can be restored through 配电自动化 (DA) – often referred to as a “self-healing grid.” If an outage occurs on a DA-enabled distribution line, 我们可以自动隔离停电的来源,并迅速恢复所有没有直接服务于电力线受损部分的客户的电力. 这意味着我们可以减少受停电影响的客户数量,并更快地恢复供电.

Assessing damage

Assessing damage

PSE的电气第一反应小组到达停电地点,评估现场情况,确保现场电气安全. First responders may restore power to some or all remaining customers, depending on the location and severity of the damage.

Crew assigned

Crew assigned

If our first responders identify the need for additional repairs, an electric crew from our service partner Potelco, Inc. 谁被派去修理. They will replace a pole, re-string electrical wire, or replace damaged transformers.

ETR updates

ETR updates

估计恢复时间(ETR)信息会随着更多信息的可用而更新, based on field conditions and damage severity.

How does PSE estimate when my power will be restored?

When an outage occurs on a typical “blue sky” day, 估计恢复时间(ETR), 对电力恢复时间的估计, is provided automatically 基于历史停机数据.

As our field teams assess damage in the field, we update the ETR based on field conditions and damage severity. 如果停电需要我们从线路上移走一根树枝,可能需要30分钟才能恢复, 如果停电需要更换电线杆,维修人员到现场后可能需要4-6小时才能恢复. 您在中断图上看到的ETR是我们当时对您的特定中断的最佳估计, and we’ll provide ETR updates as needed until power is restored.

We understand ETR information is important so our customers can plan. Please know we work to provide the most accurate information as quickly as possible, and we thank you for your patience as we move through the process.

A Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) outage, which includes the duration of the weather event and restoration time, could last several days if damaging winds occur.



Once the high-risk weather conditions have subsided, 在恢复供电之前,工作人员将目视检查输电线是否有损坏或安全问题. PSE will work to safely restore power as quickly as possible, but there can be challenges if there is limited access or visibility, 或者附近的活火.



天气“晴朗”: 天气过去且安全后,船员开始进行海上巡逻和检查.
巡视和检查: 工作人员目视检查线路、电线杆和其他设备的潜在天气损坏情况.
隔离和修复损坏: 在哪里发现设备损坏, 工作人员将受损区域与系统的其余部分隔离开来,并恢复未被损坏设备服务的客户. 然后工作人员将进行必要的维修.
Restore power: 一旦修复完成且安全,PSE将恢复向客户供电.

Icon of hardhat


As our field teams gain boots-on-the-ground visibility, we will add and update ETRs on the outage map.

  • Regional ETR: The date/time we expect most customers in a larger region to have their power restored. Some customers will be restored sooner than the regional ETR, while other customers may have their power restored after.
  • Field ETR: 一旦线路巡逻完成,由我们的现场人员提供,并在工作人员进行任何必要的维修时更新.


This video explains how we go about restoring power outages.

